ALOP Associate Program now enrolling.
Winter 2025 Classes start February 18th
A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute
Naturopathic Mastery Associate Certification
A thorough study in Naturopathy.
Naturopathy as a health science is vast and as infinite as nature, because it is nature that is the foundation of all holistic health modalities. A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute has put together an assortment of wellness training components that are both timeless in their traditions and modern in their viability as a wellness health profession for today’s naturopaths.
Develop a level of mastery in your skills as a naturopathic consultant, clinician and educator. Gain knowledge in 51 courses of Naturopathy. This 2-year Associate Certification is designed to provide flexibility in learning through both online and in-person classes. Class meets for two days of theory per week. Some textbooks and supplies are included. Course Descriptions available for interested students. Contact Us
Winter, Summer, and Fall open enrollment.
If you have already taken any of ALOP classes and certifications, previously taken courses can be credited to your tuition, restrictions apply. Your transcript will be evaluated, and credits will be given on an individual basis.
The Naturopathic Mastery ​2025 Semester Dates
Winter begins February 18th
Fall begins September 16th
Included Textbooks
Natural Health and Wellness: The Manual by K. Akua Gray
Detox Therapists: Detoxing Should Feel Good Too by K. Akua Gray
Naturopathic Herbalist: A Course in Mastering Herbology by K. Akua Gray
Naturopathic Reiki I: Opening the Way by K. Akua Gray
Naturopathic Reiki II: The Essentials of Therapy by K. Akua Gray
Naturopathic Reiki III: The Power of the Master by K. Akua Gray
Veggie Delights by K. Akua Gray
The Chakra Manual for the Therapist by K. Akua Gray
Naturopathic Iridology I by K. Akua Gray
Holistic Doula by K. Akua Gray
Maternity Reiki by K. Akua Gray
1st Semester
100 Anatomy and Physiology
105 Human Biological Systems
110 Human Pathology with Immunology
115 Naturopathic Assessment
120 Naturopathic Iridology I
125 Body Chemistry Testing (pH, urine, and blood)
130 Pharmacology
135 Basic Nutrition
140 Detox Therapy I
145 Naturopathic Herbology
150 Physical Solutions to Disease
155 Mental Solutions to Disease
160 Emotional Solutions to Disease
170 Spiritual Solutions to Disease
175 Medical Astrology I
180 Family Health (Women/Men/Pediatrics/Geriatrics)
185 Client Care Consultant Etiquette
190 Holistic Health Business Basics
2nd Semester
200 Naturopathic Reiki I
210 Naturopathic Herbalist I
220 Naturopathic Iridology II
240 Detox Therapy II w/ Nutritional Meal Preparation
250 Naturopathic Aroma Therapy
265 Naturopathic Touch Reflexology
275 Holistic Doula Training (OPTIONAL)
280 Shu Tefnut Yoga I
290 Crystal Therapy Mastery I (KMT + Africa)
295 Medical Astrology II
3rd Semester
300 Vibration Therapy I
325 Biochemistry Testing Bowel and Excrements
330 Spiritual Nutrition
335 Organic Gardening
345 Naturopathic Herbalist III
350 Botanical Medicine
375 Naturopathic Reiki II
380 Shu Tefnut Yoga II
390 Crystal Therapy Mastery II (North & South America)
4th Semester
400 Vibration Therapy II
440 Colon Therapy Training (OPTIONAL)
445 Naturopathic Herbalist IV
450 Homeopathy
455 Clinical Nutrition
460 Naturopathic Reiki III and IV
465 Shu Tefnut Yoga III
480 Coaching and Counseling
490 Crystal Therapy Mastery III (Asia & West Asia)
495 Wellness Educator Training
499 Board Certification Info Session
51 Courses of Training
Naturopathic Mastery 2025
Enrichment Courses
Don't have the time to take a bundle of courses? Only interested in one particular course? We have just what you need. A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute brings you our Naturopathic Enrichment Courses. Enjoy special courses designed to supplement any course you are taking or have already taken, on your Naturopathic Wellness journey!
February 18 Anatomy and Physiology
February 20 Human Biological Systems
February 22 - 23 Naturopathic Iridology II
February 25 & 27 Human Pathology with Immunology
March 1 - 2 Shiatsu I
March 4 & 6 - Naturopathic Assessments
March 8 - Aroma Touch Therapy
March 11 & 13 Naturopathic Iridology I
March 18 Biochemistry
March 20 Pharmacology
March 25 & 27 Basic Nutrition
March 29 Shu Tefnut Yoga I
April 1 & 3 Naturopathic Herbology
April 5 Crystal Therapy - Crystals of KMT
April 6 Crystal Therapy - Crystals of Africa
April 8 & 10 Detox Therapy I
April 12-13 Detox Therapy II
April 15,17, 22 & 24 Physical/Mental/Emotional & Spiritual Solutions
April 19 - 20 Medical Astrology
April 26 Naturopathic Reiki I
April 29 & May 1 Women's Health
May 6 Men's Health
May 8 Children's Health
May 13 Elder's Health
May 15 Client Care
May 20 Holistic Health Business 101